Thank You Father for the Rain!

Dear Farm Journal:

The start of June has been a challenge as we had to get the fences up around the gardens so the deer and other woodland animals on our property would not snack on our crops. I say we, but it was actually Richard who did all the work.  It has been very dry for lack of rain so we had to hand water all those plants.  I am so greatful for the well as it has come in very handy watering those two big patches of earth this month.

I love the old saying “”Neccesity is the mother of all inventions.” As my talented husband came up with some great shortcuts for using the farm well and our trusted Kubota to water our gardens and fruit trees.

Today, God gave us a break as he sent down the rain. Now to start weeding.  Weeds must not need much water as they grow well in very dry conditions.  I made a sign that said – Free Weeds – Pick Your Own!  No takers as of yet.

I could not believe how much squash, cucumbers and Zucchini I picked again today.  We were able to share and still have plenty left over.  We are also seeing more blueberries and blackberries this year.  God is so Good!

Thats all for today as our three Chickens get up at the crack of dawn and expect me to let them out so they can forage on the bountiful provisions in our backyard.  We think they are getting ready to lay soon.  I can’t wait!!!!

The Farmer’s Wife,

A. Crout

Crout Farm

Kingston, Tennessee.


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