A Season on the Farm, March

What a test of faith March has been.  February came in with an early spring, but cooler, wetter weather set in for March, and it has been a test of faith.

Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  

Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.  Saint Augustine

Doubt is not the opposite of faith; it is one element of faith. Paul Tillich




The changes of February brought doubt and fear in March.  They became a tremendous faith test.

Over the last year, I knew that God had been planning new directions for my life.  Too many coincidences to be anything other than God’s direction.

While I knew that things were lining up well, I still had doubt.  The quote from St Augustine that I most often remember is this – Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.  My doubt came in from the thought that maybe my work was not as diligent as it needed to be.



In March, we put out several thousand more plants including a couple of great varieties of Delphiniums (image courtesy of Ball Seed).




We also tackled the Workshop/Carport.  The Carport is a 30 foot long by 12 foot wide building that had been used as a carport for the previous owners.  It had been a dumping ground over the last few years.  Our goal is to turn this into a processing shed and educational venue.

To that end, we started by cleaning it from top to bottom.  Along the way, we found some great things.


Most people use saw horses around the workshop.  We have saw Shetland ponies.  Not sure if the Lilliputians used this for construction, but it was pretty cool, and I kept it.





This was one of my favorite Tennessee Car Tags, and it was cool to find this.







Pure Tennessee sipping whiskey – just kidding.  It was quarter century old gas.   I’m feeling much better now, thanks.







We found our entertainment for the next New Years Eve!  Party on Wayne, Party on Guy.










The in process look.  We added a layer of gravel to keep out the creepy crawlies.  We will add a wood floor on top of this.  I am very excited about the look of this one.









Talk about Faith!  Faith is having an Eagle sitting across the road while the chickens are out at play.  It was very cool to see this guy come for a visit.









Alas, the poor Eagle did not feast on Chicken that day (or any other yet for that matter).  The girls are helping again with the gardening.  This is the lower field, which will hereafter be known as Crout Lake.   









We were blessed with some incredible flowers in March, and April did a great job bringing the colors to life.  April my wife, not the month, just clarifying.















I hope your faith strengthens each day my friends.





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